History of St. Stephen Church
The first church was built in 1915 on Blackford St. across from Military Park in downtown Indianapolis. During WWII our congregation began to move to different parts of the city. In December of 1954 construction began at our present location at 14th and Medford. The church was completed in 1955. On October 14, 1962 our church was concecrated by Metropolitan Arch-Bishop Andrey.
We celebrated our 100TH ANNIVERSARY with a GALA CELEBRATION on Saturday, September 12, 2015 at the Indiana History Center on the canal in downtown Indianapolis. Metropolitan Joseph, Bishop Daniil, Fr. Dimitur and six other Orthodox priests celebrated with us. The event was sold out. Our church was one of five original churches begun in the United States and Canda under the Bulgarian Diocese.
The Bulgarian School Indy, founded by +Valentin Pentchev and Ralitsa Kolarova in 2019, meet weekly in our fellowship hall on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am. They have curriculum for grades K-5, religious class, cultural tradition and language classes, music, and more. Additional information available at: ralis_k@yahoo.com ________________________________________________________________________________
THE SISTERHOOD HAS POTICA AND EASTER BREAD FOR SALE AT HALF PRICE. If interested, please call the church and leave message at 317-632-9955.
FOLKDANCE GROUP from JOY OF ALL WHO SORROW---Saturday, Sept 21, The Kolev Family, presenting traditional Bulgarian music and singing, at the Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church, 1516 N Delaware St. Suggested donation $10 per adult. Pitch-in dinner with doors open at 6 PM; dinner begins at 6:15 PM; music and dancing begin at 7:00 PM Eastern Time.
ST. STEPHEN'S ANNIVERSARY DINNER & DANCE will be held on October 19th at Primo Banquet and Conference Center at 2615 National Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46227